Page 11 - Sorry, We're Not Hiring Any Visionaries Today
P. 11
First things first — what do we mean by the word entrepreneurship? Entrepreneurship refers to starting and running a business to make a profit. Most entrepreneurs are imbued with the following attributes: risk-taking, in- novation, and a proactive approach to business opportunities.
Some entrepreneurs focus on execution, management, and adapting to mar- ket needs rather than having a grand vision.
Those who study companies say that a small business can be up to 5 people. We are happy to focus on companies with just 1 or 2 people for this book.
Visionaries are people who possess a forward-thinking and imaginative per- spective. They are often able to conceptualize and articulate future possibil- ities or goals.
Some visionaries are creative and innovative and can see opportunities where others might not. They often have a long-term perspective and are driven by a compelling future vision.
Their focus is on ideas, concepts, and the bigger picture. Day-to-day business operations can sometimes get in the way of what they accomplish most.
Visionaries are not the most accessible people to pin down. They are forever questioning and thinking, and dealing with their minds, which tend to fire constantly, can be off-putting. I speak from experience that being a visionary can be both a blessing and a curse. The skill set of a visionary is sometimes not so readily apparent, which can cause a great deal of grief—especially in your younger years.
This book contains stories from several unique people. They aren’t multimil- lionaires, and chances are they will never be extremely wealthy. Most are not famous on YouTube, and their social media presence is small or non-existent. Some are visionaries, some are entrepreneurs, and some are a fascinating combination of both.
Each of these people can teach us a new way to look at ourselves. It begins, as always, with KNOWING YOURSELF.